
Pressure on Russia should be increased through sectoral sanctions - Kostin

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Ukraine's Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin called for increased pressure on Russia through sectoral sanctions that would damage the aggressor's economy.

Pressure should be increased on the Russian Federation, in particular by imposing sectoral sanctions that will harm the aggressor's economy. This was stated by the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin on the social network X, UNN reports .


On Wednesday, March 6, the Prosecutor General met with the Executive Directors of the European External Action Service Michael Siebert, Stefan Tomat, Belén Martínez Carbonell and Hélène Le Gall.

During the meeting, the Prosecutor General thanked the EU for its strong support in the political, economic and humanitarian spheres in these difficult times when Ukraine is fighting for freedom and independence.

Kostin noted that "our goal is to build a network of comprehensive accountability, which will include effective mechanisms for the criminal prosecution of the Russian military and political leadership for the crime of aggression, the confiscation of Russian assets and compensation for those who suffered from this war.

We are also sincerely grateful for the EU's firm position on sanctions pressure on the terrorist country and its accomplices. It is necessary to further increase this pressure, in particular by introducing sectoral sanctions that will significantly limit the Russian economy and the aggressor's ability to continue the war,

- Kostin said.

To recap

On February 23, the European Union adopted the 13th package of sanctions against Russia, further tightening restrictions on its military and defense sector in response to Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine.


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