
Poland will provide logistical support to the Czech plan for the supply of ammunition to Ukraine - Sikorsky

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Poland will make a material, technical and financial contribution to the Czech plan to increase the supply of ammunition to Ukraine from outside the European Union.

Poland will make a logistical and financial contribution to the plan initiated by the Czech Republic to increase the supply of ammunition to Ukraine outside of Europe, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said on Thursday. About it UNN reports with reference to Reuters. 

We are very happy to contribute, not only financially, but also in a very efficient logistics operation, so that ammunition can reach where it is needed at the front

- applications to Radoslav Sikorsky. 

According to Reuters, Poland has become a key distribution center for supplies to Ukraine after a full-scale Russian invasion. 

The Visegrad group of Central and Eastern European countries was divided on the issue of military assistance to Ukraine, and the new Slovak government joined Hungary, refusing to participate in such initiatives.


Czech prime minister Petr Fiala said on March 8 that the initiative has already raised enough funds to purchase the first batch of artillery shells. we are talking about 300 thousand ammunition.

According to the Defense Ministry, the Czech Republic will supply Ukraine with the first batch of artillery shells by June


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