
Poland is ready to increase the number of troops on the border to stop the flow of illegal migrants from Belarus

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Poland plans to strengthen border security and increase its military presence along its border with Belarus due to increased attempts by organized groups to illegally cross the border with the assistance of Belarusian services.

Against the background of an increasing number of attempts to illegally cross the Polish border from Belarus, Warsaw wants to strengthen the protection of the eastern borders. This was stated during a speech in the Sejm by the minister of National Defense of Poland Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz, reports the newspaper Rzeczpospolita, writes UNN.


According to the Polish official, the number of attempts to cross the Polish-Belarusian border has recently increased.

It's not just the desire to make money by sending people and sending them across the border. Now it is very organized by our hostile countries. (...)  groups of these people are becoming more numerous, the Belarusian services are helping to transport them and, in our opinion, are preparing them for crossing the Polish-Belarusian border

- said the Polish Defense Minister. 

Польща планує затопити окремі ділянки кордону з РФ та Білоруссю21.05.24, 04:50

He stressed that as of 19, 14 thousand attempts to cross the Polish-Belarusian border were officially recorded , which is 46 %. more than last year. 

We are ready to increase the army's presence on the Polish-Belarusian border. We will defend the Polish border. (...) we will strengthen services on the Polish border. We will correct the mistakes of previous years and our predecessors

- stressed Kosinyak-Kamysh.


Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz warned that the activities of the Russian Agent Networkdeployed throughout Europe pose a great threat to Poland. According to him, Russia and Belarus have never been so close since the Second World War.


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