
Our database contains more data than the ICRC: Yusov on work to return Ukrainians from Russian captivity

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During the 54th prisoner exchange since the Russian invasion, 95 Ukrainian defenders were returned from Russian captivity, bringing the total number of released Ukrainians to 3,405.

Today, the 54th exchange of prisoners of war since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion took place, and 95 Ukrainian defenders were returned. Work on the return of our citizens continues and the results are visible to the whole country. This was stated by a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Andriy Yusov during a telethon, UNN reports.

"Today, fortunately, the 54th exchange has taken place since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, and as of today, 3,405 Ukrainians have been returned from Russian captivity. There are no easy exchanges. We are dealing with an aggressor state, a terrorist state that is waging a genocidal war against Ukraine and Ukrainians. It often disregards international humanitarian law, the Geneva Conventions, or interprets them at its own discretion. There are no easy exchanges, but there are public expectations and the tasks of the President of Ukraine. The work continues, and the whole country sees the results. Yes, many families are still waiting for the return of their loved ones and must wait. The negotiating team is working, even when it seems to the public that the pauses are too long and that nothing is going to happen," Yusov said.

He added that Ukraine knows how many Ukrainians may still be in captivity.

"Everyone is registered. Our database has more data than the International Committee of the Red Cross," Yusov added.


Another 95 Ukrainian defenders, including soldiers, members of the National Guard and border guards, have been released from Russian captivity thanks to the mediation efforts of the United Arab Emirates. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that we are looking for everyone who may be captured.


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