
Occupants use civil aviation to transport personnel

 • 25201 переглядiв

Russia is transporting personnel to Rostov by civilian airlines and then by land to Ukraine, according to the National Resistance Headquarters of Ukraine.

Russia is using civilian aviation to transport personnel to Rostov. The occupants are then transported by land to Ukraine, according to the National Resistance Center, UNN reports.


The National Resistance Center reports that this month the occupiers used the services of two airlines, I FLY and URAL Airlines, which transport personnel from Moscow, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg to Rostov.

"The occupants are then transported by land to Ukraine for disposal.

We note that no Russian business or civilian will be able to remain anonymous and avoid responsibility for complicity in the aggression against Ukraine," the statement said.


Before the New Year, Russian police conducted a series of raids in the villages of the temporarily occupied south to "preventive conversations" with those who refuse to receive a Russian passport.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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