
Occupants shell a village in Kherson region, one killed and one wounded

 • 32751 переглядiв

Russian troops shelled the village of Dniprovske in the Kherson region, killing a 50-year-old man and wounding a woman.

Russian occupants shelled Dniprovske village in Kherson region with artillery. As a result, a 50-year-old local resident was killed and a woman was also injured. This was reported by the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Prokudin on his Telegram page, UNN reports.

Around 16:00, the occupiers fired on the village of Dniprovske. They fired from artillery. A 50-year-old local resident sustained injuries incompatible with life. He was on the street at the time of the attack. A 44-year-old woman was taken to the hospital. She had an explosive injury, shrapnel wounds to her abdomen and arm

- Prokudin wrote.

He noted that the victim is being provided with medical care.


Over the past 24 hours, on November 23, Russian troops fired 119 times in Kherson region, killing 3 people and wounding 11, including 2 children.

Anna Murashko



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