
Not all trench REBs are able to work effectively on the front line at this stage - Deputy Syrsky

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Current trends in warfare pose challenges to ensuring effective electronic warfare systems on the front lines against an adaptive enemy.

The current trends in the war are a challenge for Ukrainian and global manufacturers, as not all trench electronic warfare devices are able to work effectively on the front line at this stage, as the enemy is actively developing. This was stated by Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Colonel Vadym Sukharevskyi during a briefing, UNN reports.

"The situation has clearly not worsened. There are issues of general frontline importance and application practice. There are enough manufacturers. Yes, we cannot supply the entire frontline at once in terms of industrial capacity. We need to understand that the enemy is also developing and trying to change frequency ranges. Not all trench REBs, for example, are able to work effectively on the front line at this stage. To give you an example, the rifles that we purchased in 2022 for 12-15 thousand euros in the Baltic countries are now practically inoperable. That is, they served from 2022 to the end of 2023. And now, with the transition to a new offensive campaign, a lot of rifles are going back to yesterday," Sukharevsky said.

He noted that current trends are a challenge for our and global producers.

"And a lot of work is being done to provide us with the resource and component base to be able to meet modern challenges in these moments. And trench electronic warfare is, in particular, the first instance of a challenge for us," added Sukharevskyi.

The deputy commander-in-chief noted that the Drone Coalition is not only about drones, but also "components, electronic warfare, detection, and Ukraine is counting on the help of its allies in this.


Some units on the front line are already testing pilot projects of drones with artificial intelligence.


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