
No hits during extreme alert in Kharkiv region - RMA

 • 21716 переглядiв

No hits were recorded during the extreme air alert in Kharkiv region, and no one was injured.

In Kharkiv region, no hits within the region's settlements were recorded during the extreme air alert, and no information about victims was received, RMA head Oleh Syniehubov told UNN. 

No occupants' shelling during the emergency alert was recorded within the settlements of Kharkiv region.  No information about the victims was received.  Inspection by specialized services is ongoing

- wrote Sinegubov on Telegram.


The extreme air alert in Kharkiv region lasted from 14:19  to 15:11. 

Earlier, Oleg Sinegubov reportedthat Kharkiv was again attacked by Russian troops. At the same time, Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov wrote that "an 'arrival' was heard in the city." 

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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