
Musk threatens to ban Apple devices due to the company's artificial intelligence integration

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Ashton Musk has threatened to ban the use of Apple devices in his companies if Apple integrates OpenAI artificial intelligence into its operating system for security reasons.

Musk threatens to ban Apple devices due to the company's integration of artificial intelligence. This is reported by the founder of SpaceX companies Elon Musk, reports UNN.


American entrepreneur Elon Musk has warned that he will ban the use of Apple devices in his companies if artificial intelligence technologies are integrated into them at the operating system level.

If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned in my companies. This is an unacceptable security breach

- stated  Elon Musk.

Apple представила модель штучного інтелекту та оновлення продуктів для покращення конфіденційності та персоналізації11.06.24, 01:35


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