
More than 700 occupants and hundreds of drones: Russian losses in the Tavria sector over the last day

 • 22476 переглядiв

Ukrainian troops eliminated 711 Russian troops in the Tauride sector over the last day, destroying 52 pieces of equipment and 259 unmanned aerial vehicles.

Over the past day, February 15, the Defense Forces in the Tavria operational area eliminated  711 Russian occupants, destroyed 52 units of enemy military equipment and weapons and 259 UAVs of various types. This was stated by the commander of the operational and strategic grouping of troops "Tavria" Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavsky in his Telegram channel, UNN reports.


According to him, the enemy carried out 58 air strikes, three missile attacks, conducted 70 combat engagements and fired 1031 artillery rounds in the Tavria operational area yesterday.

Our defenders are steadfastly holding the line and conducting active operations in the designated areas. Total enemy losses in manpower amounted to 711 people

- wrote Tarnavsky.

According to him, total enemy losses in weapons and military equipment in the Tauride sector amounted to 52 units yesterday, excluding UAVs. In particular, 9 tanks, 24 armored personnel carriers, 10 artillery systems, 1 UAV station, 6 vehicles. The Ukrainian Defense Forces also destroyed 2 units of enemy special equipment.

259 UAVs of various types were neutralized or destroyed.

Генштаб про Авдіївський напрямок: здійснюється маневр військами та планове підсилення підрозділів16.02.24, 08:57


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