
More than 50% of foreign workers complain of discrimination in Germany

 • 15150 переглядiв

According to a new study in Germany, many foreign workers regularly face inconveniences, especially when looking for housing, and experience discrimination.

Writes UNN with references to Franken Fernsehen and Spiegel.

Foreign workers in Germany often face discrimination and high barriers to immigration. This is according to a study by the Institute for Labor Market and Vocational Research (IAB), a research institute of the Federal Employment Agency.

About 56% of foreign skilled workers report discrimination in at least one area of life, especially when looking for housing. It is noted that stress is less severe when dealing with institutions such as schools, medical facilities, or the police.

Тарифи Трампа вдарять по ЄС, найбільшому ризику піддається Німеччина - дослідження економістів 24.10.24, 16:39

Despite the legal changes resulting from the adoption of the Skilled Immigration Act (FEG), there are still bureaucratic obstacles when it comes to issuing visas, recognizing professional qualifications and dealing with family issues.

The IAB researchers concluded that for many well-trained skilled workers who are integrated into the labor market, there are still "significant social integration challenges." 

Канадський бізнес б'є на сполох через нові імміграційні обмеження25.10.24, 11:50

Many foreign professionals learn about Germany by asking friends who already live there

Their experience can make a decisive contribution to the perception of Germany as an attractive destination for skilled workers

- the document says.


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