
Moldovan Foreign Minister: Russia is using us to test its new technologies of influence and interference

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According to Moldovan Foreign Minister Mihai Popschiu, Moldova has become a target for Russia to test its new technologies of influence and interference, which can then be applied in other countries.

Foreign Minister Mihai Popschiu believes that Russia is using Moldova "to test its new technologies of influence and interference" in order to apply them to other countries. He called on international partners to help Moldova. The minister said this in an interview with Digi24, UNN reports .


In his opinion, Moldova has become a target of Russia in the hybrid war, in particular because the country borders Ukraine.

Another explanation is the interests of Russia and the willingness of various actors in Moldova to betray national interests and citizens to advance a foreign agenda. In addition, the vulnerability, the exposure of Moldova to this threat, given our vulnerability in the field of combating disinformation and cyberspace. Our institutions are still vulnerable, particularly in terms of corruption,

- Popshoy said.

According to him, all these factors make Moldova vulnerable, and Russia is using it to test its new "technologies of influence and interference," and then, if they prove effective, to apply them elsewhere.

Against this backdrop, the head of Moldovan diplomacy called on international partners to help Moldova give "an appropriate 'response.


Moldova has become the first country to sign a security and defense partnership agreement with the European Union, which should strengthen its defense capabilities and allow it to join forces to address common security challenges.


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