
Media outlets publish satellite photos of the aftermath of the strike on the oil depot in Rostov region

 • 20024 переглядiв

Satellite images show that a fire continues to burn at the Azovproduct oil depot in the Rostov region of Russia after a Ukrainian drone attack on the night of June 18, with smoke plumes limiting visibility, making it impossible to assess the extent of the damage.

Satellite images taken at 14:40 of the Azovproduct oil depot in Rostov Oblast showed an ongoing fire on the territory of the depot. However, it is currently difficult to assess the extent of damage to the tank farm, as smoke clouds limit visibility. This was reported by UNN with reference to Radio Liberty.


According to the newspaper, Planet Labs satellite images show the aftermath of the Ukrainian drone attack on an oil depot in the city of Azov, Rostov region, which took place on the night of June 18.

"According to the images taken at 14:30 Kyiv time, a fire continues on the territory of the oil depot. However, it is difficult to assess the extent of the damage to the tank farm, as puffs of smoke limit visibility," the newspaper writes.

It is noted that the oil depot belongs to the Azovproduct enterprise, and up to 60 thousand tons of oil products per month pass through this Russian terminal, and up to 30 thousand cubic meters of oil products can be stored in tanks that caught fire as a result of the Ukrainian drone attack.


On the night of June 18 , SBU drones attacked the Azov and Azovnefteprodukt oil depots in the Rostov region of Russia. Powerful fires broke out at the facilities.


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