
Maidan cases: Sivkovych is suspected of high treason

 • 27097 переглядiв

The former deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council was served with another suspicion for personally directing the dispersal and beating of students from the office of the Kyiv police chief during the 2013-2014 protests.

Former Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Volodymyr Sivkovych has been served with another suspicion notice. This was reported by the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation, UNN reports.


After the beginning of student protests on Maidan Nezalezhnosti, the Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council began to implement the plans of the Russian Federation. On the night of November 29-30, 2013, he personally supervised the dispersal and beating of students from the office of the chief of the Kyiv police

- summarized in the SBI

Law enforcers emphasize that this led to increased separatism in certain regions of Ukraine and was later used by Russia to conduct subversive activities against Kyiv.

In addition, the socio-political crisis after the Maidan events significantly complicated the consolidation of the activities of all law enforcement and other state bodies to timely and effectively counteract the subversive activities of the Russian Federation.

Очолив філію фсб в окупованому Мелітополі: ексгенерал часів януковича Ганжа отримав заочну підозру09.02.24, 12:31

It also prevented the elimination of threats to Ukraine's national security from Russia, and counteracting Russia's use of elements of the so-called "hybrid war" against Ukraine to take actions aimed at separating a number of southern and eastern regions for their further annexation.

Under the procedural supervision of the Prosecutor General's Office, the former Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine was served a new notice of suspicion of committing high treason (Part 1 Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The maximum penalty for committing this crime is 15 years in prison

- the agency summarized.


The DBR  says that Sivkovych was recruited by Russia in the late nineties, when he was a career officer of the KGB and FSB.

The official was fulfilling the task of the top political leadership of the aggressor country to prevent Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration. It is documented that in October 2013, he met with the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev as part of consultations between the NSDC delegations of the two countries in Odesa.

At this event, the traitor received instructions to continue subversive activities against Ukraine and suppress potential protests over Ukraine's refusal to join the EU.

Справи Майдану: в Офісі Генпрокурора розповіли про результати роботи19.02.24, 16:14

The SBI emphasizes that by his actions, Sivkovych damaged the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability, defense capability, state and economic security of Ukraine, and created exceptional prerequisites for Russia to take active steps to occupy the territory of part of Ukraine

The suspect is currently hiding from the investigation and court in the territory of the aggressor state and is one of the leaders of the anti-Ukrainian movement created by the Russian special services. Procedural supervision is carried out by the Prosecutor General's Office.


In 2023, 63 people were notified of suspicion in Maidan cases, and 26 indictments against 51 people were sent to court.


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