
Luhansk region: Russians emphasize infantry in assaults - OVA

 • 25929 переглядiв

Due to significant losses, the enemy continues to attack personnel with a small amount of heavy equipment on the Liman and Kupyansk fronts.

The occupiers are focusing on personnel in their assaults, trying to use as little heavy equipment as possible. The enemy attacks continue on the Liman and Kupyansk frontlines. This was reported by the head of the Luhansk regional state administration Artem Lysogor, UNN reports .

During the assaults, the Russians emphasize personnel, trying to use as little heavy equipment as possible. These are the consequences of significant losses,

- the statement said.


Enemy attacks continue both in the Liman and Kupyansk sectors of the frontline. As well as shelling, which does not stop along the entire contact line even in the absence of assault operations. Yesterday, the occupants attacked Bilohorivka once again.


The heads of institutions and organizations in the occupied territories, including secondary and higher education institutions, received plans for staff turnout to be implemented in the March elections. They were also reminded about the video surveillance system that will help track whether a person has come to the polling station.

It is noted that no reconstruction work was carried out in Rubizhne for a year and a half after the occupation. Only at the end of 2023 did touring contractors start appearing in the city and plans for reconstruction began to be drawn up.

Most of the settlement was destroyed to the ground, but less than 30 houses were included in the repair queue - only the surviving ones, where some work can be done quickly and demonstratively. No one is going to take on the damaged and even more so the destroyed high-rise buildings,

- Lysogor notes.


Over the last day , 102 combat engagements took place. In total, the enemy launched 8 missile and 75 air strikes, fired 141 times from multiple launch rocket systems at the positions of our troops and populated areas.


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