
Luhansk checkpoints record queues, check all men - RMA

 • 29023 переглядiв

Russian occupants are checking all men at checkpoints at the entrance to Luhansk and plan to close the trauma center in Dovzhansk, said the head of the Luhansk regional military administration.

At the entrance to the temporarily occupied Luhansk, car queues are being recorded - all men are being checked, Russian occupants are going to close the trauma center in Dovzhansk, said Artem Lysogor, head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.

Car lines form daily at the checkpoints at the entrance to Luhansk. To get into the city, you need to pass a check and get a special permit. Men are thoroughly deceived and certain lists are drawn up. This is preparation for forced mobilization. The next wave will begin in about a month

- Lysogor wrote on Telegram.

According to him, "the occupants are going to close the trauma center in Dovzhansk." "They argue that according to the standards of the Russian Federation, cities with less than 150,000 inhabitants are not supposed to provide round-the-clock medical care," noted Lysogor.

"Almost all cities in the occupied Luhansk region are facing similar problems. If you don't have enough residents, you can only see doctors from 8:00 to 17:00," he added.

Lysohor also said that the enemy fired at Nevske and Makiivka with mortars and artillery over the past day. Makiivka and Bilohorivka were damaged by enemy air strikes, he noted.

"Residents of the liberated settlements of the Krasnorichenskaya community who still live near the front line nevertheless receive pension payments on a regular basis. To do this, they are helped to get to the nearest postal workplace and then taken back. Yesterday, five residents of Nevskoye and Novolyubovka received their pensions. In total, there are 24 recipients of the relevant payments in the community," informed Lysogor.

рф демонструє, що окупація Луганщини та Донеччини є для неї необхідною, особливо перед виборами - Веніславський21.02.24, 12:24


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