
Losses of more than one million hryvnias on seed supplies: deputy director of Ukrlichtravy branch to be tried

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A former deputy director of a branch of the state enterprise Ukrzaliznytsia will be tried for embezzling more than UAH 1.2 million from the state budget by abusing his position and overcharging a private company for corn seeds.

 The deputy director of the branch of the State Enterprise "Ukrliktravy" will be tried on the fact of embezzlement of other people's property by abuse of office, which caused more than a million hryvnias of damage to the state budget. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office.


The investigation established that in October 2022, a state-owned enterprise and a private entity entered into agreements for the supply of agricultural products and subsequently additional agreements to them.

In his turn, the defendant, acting in concert with a group of people, ensured that a private enterprise entered into contracts for the supply of corn seeds at almost twice the price.

According to the conclusions of forensic examinations, the understatement of the cost of products caused damage to the state budget in the amount of over UAH 1.2 million. The Podil District Prosecutor's Office of Kyiv submitted to the court an indictment against the former deputy director of one of the branches of the State Enterprise "Ukrlaktravy" on the fact of embezzlement of other people's property by abuse of office by an official, committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, under martial law and in especially large amounts (Part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)

- the prosecutor's office summarized. 

На Київщині судитимуть фінансиста військової частини, який перерахував дружині 20 мільйонів гривень11.04.24, 15:21


According to the agency, the indictment against the former deputy director of the state-owned enterprise's branch has been sent to court for consideration on the merits.

The prosecutor also filed a claim for damages in the interests of the state. In addition, the department said that the investigation against another accomplice in the crime is ongoing, the latter is hiding abroad.

It should be noted that earlier an indictment against the former director of the branch of the said state-owned enterprise was sent to the court, which has already been considered by the court and a guilty verdict was delivered

- summarized the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office. 


In Kyiv, the deputy director of the Engineering Center will be tried on charges of embezzling UAH 1.4 million in budget funds during the reconstruction of stairs and pavement in Podil. 


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