
Kyiv steps up food safety controls amid salmonella outbreaks

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Kyiv is strengthening control over food safety in the summer. The relevant decision was made by the Standing Committee on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergencies  of the Kyiv City Council, having considered the issue of ensuring the sanitary and epidemic well-being of the city's population in the summer. UNN reports this with reference to the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection.

Head of the Kyiv City Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Serhiy Chumak informed the audience about the critical situation with the incidence of diseases associated with violations of food production, storage and transportation. 

Oleg Ruban, Head of the Main Department of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection in Kyiv, reported numerous violations detected during the monitoring of trade at markets and fairs in Kyiv. 

The report indicates that since last year, a deterioration in the epidemic situation with regard to the incidence of salmonellosis has been recorded in Kyiv. Over the past year, 13 outbreaks of acute intestinal infections (AI) / food poisoning were recorded in the capital, including 11 outbreaks of salmonellosis (8 of them in the summer). During the outbreaks, a total of 87 people, including 20 children, were affected (sickened). The outbreaks were associated with public catering establishments - 4, with trade/production of food products - 6 outbreaks, among which 5 were associated with a retail chain. 

It is emphasized that the negative trend continues in the current year: 3 outbreaks of HAIs have been registered in 4 months, including 2 outbreaks of salmonellosis (including one associated with a large retail chain), and 1 outbreak of rotavirus infection in pupils of an educational institution.

It was decided to strengthen control over compliance by business entities, trade workers, and citizens engaged in food circulation in Kyiv with the requirements of food legislation, in particular, regarding safety and certain food quality indicators, and veterinary and sanitary rules.

Від вітрянки у дорослих до важких форм ботулізму: професор Голубовська розповіла про ситуацію з інфекційними захворюваннями в країні27.05.24, 18:56

In addition, the Main Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection in Kyiv insists that it is necessary to ban the sale of perishable products at fairs during the warm season (those that lose their quality after a limited period of time under the influence of environmental conditions and require special transportation and storage conditions). This is due to forecasts of rising air temperatures. Another potential risk of food spoilage is associated with power outages. In particular, this applies to ensuring food storage conditions at stationary facilities, processing plants, etc.

В МОЗ дали поради, як уберегти себе від отруєнь в умовах спеки й "блекауту"06.06.24, 18:12

Participants also noted the need to inform market operators (business entities) involved in the production and circulation of fish and fish products about the need to produce only gutted fish in the summer to reduce the risk of botulism.

Based on the results of its work, the commission decided to strengthen the work of monitoring groups for business entities that produce and sell food products, to control compliance with food legislation and to implement preventive and anti-epidemic measures. In particular, the measures of state supervision (control) over the holding of fair events in the city.


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