
Kuleba on the tribunal for Russia's crimes: Ukraine insists that it should have jurisdiction over the president, prime minister and foreign minister

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Ukraine continues to insist that a special international tribunal to bring Russian leaders to justice for aggression should have jurisdiction over the president, prime minister, and foreign minister of Russia.

Ukraine continues to insist that a special international tribunal to bring the Russian leadership to justice for the crime of aggression should have jurisdiction over the three of them: the President, the Prime Minister, and the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation. This was reported by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba to UNN.

"Ukraine continues to insist that the tribunal should have jurisdiction over the three: the president, the prime minister, and the foreign minister of the Russian Federation. This issue is the subject of ongoing negotiations with our partners. In all other matters, we have a common understanding that the tribunal needs to be created, and we have a vision of how it should function. But this issue needs to be resolved," Kuleba said.

"Злочин агресії за своєю суттю є злочином високопосадовців": Костін щодо створення Спецтрибуналу01.02.24, 23:48

Earlier, the Office of the President statedthat it supports the creation of a Special International Tribunal through a vote in the UN General Assembly or by signing an international treaty with the mandatory lifting of the immunities of the three Russian leaders - the President, the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister.


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