
Japan has expanded the list of goods banned for delivery to russia

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Japan has expanded the list of goods banned from being shipped to russia to include mineral fuels, lubricants, nitrocellulose, steel products, electrical equipment and pleasure craft.

The Japanese government has expanded the list of goods that are banned from being supplied to russia. UNN writes about this with reference to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of the country.


The agency announced a ban on 164 categories of goods. The corresponding order will come into effect on April 17. At the same time, starting May 10, Japan will ban purchases of rough diamonds from russia.

It is specified that it will be prohibited to supply to Russia:

  • mineral fuels and lubricants (including motor oil);
  • nitrocellulose (used in the production of varnishes, paints and explosives);
  • steel products (including pipelines used for oil and gas transportation);
  • electrical equipment (including lithium-ion batteries);
  • photographic, optical, measuring and inspection equipment;
  • pleasure or sports vessels (kayaks, yachts, canoes, boats, fireboats, etc.).


On March 1, Japanese authorities also expanded export restrictions on russia. At that time, the sanctions affected 12 individuals and 36 organizations, including the Kalashnikov and Diamond-Antey concerns, as well as the United Shipbuilding Corporation.

Зеленський зідзвонився з прем’єром Японії: обговорили додаткову допомогу Україні, санкції проти рф та підготовку угоди про безпеку03.04.24, 12:48

Anastasia Ryabokon



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Japan has expanded the list of goods banned for delivery to russia

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