
It's very dangerous, but there are a number of responsible industries, including coal and agriculture - Filashkin spoke about the situation in Donetsk region

 • 32006 переглядiв

For two years now, there have been no absolutely safe places in Donetsk Oblast, but various industries are operating, including the coal industry, which currently employs about 20,000 people; in addition, despite the loss and destruction of land, farmers continue to work, and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy has sent an appeal for preferential treatment for their products.

This was reported by UNN, citing an interview with the head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration Vadym Filashkin on the air of the telethon "United News".


There have been no absolutely safe places in the Donetsk region for two years. We keep telling people who are not involved in critical infrastructure or city defense to leave Donetsk region.

- said the head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration.

The official noted that the coal industry makes a significant contribution to the economy of Donetsk region. According to Filashkin, about 20,000 people work in the mines of Donetsk region; 1,300 people have been employed recently. Salaries there range from 25 thousand to 75 thousand UAH. He emphasized that this is a responsible area, as all our thermal power plants operate on coal.

The official spoke about the details of his appeal to the Cabinet of Ministers regarding preferential tariffs for farmers in Donetsk region.

We have to lend a shoulder to our farmers, as a lot of land has been lost and destroyed, so we appealed to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy to make a preferential category for the transportation of oilseeds and grain crops grown by our farmers by rail. We talked to colleagues from other regions. Now this area of work is being considered by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. 

- said Filashkin.

The head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration also spoke about supporting the education sector and providing children with the necessary equipment for learning, noting that more than 7,000 computers have been provided to students and teachers.

Now all children in Donetsk region are studying remotely. I would like to thank our international partners for their support. In 2022 alone, we handed over 2,861 computers, including teachers. In addition, 4,245 were handed over to children. The first category of children is children with disabilities and children deprived of parental rights. Children who have lost their parents. 

- said Filashkin.


Over the past day, the Russian occupation forces conducted eight attacks in different districts of Donetsk region. Six people were wounded and dozens of buildings were damaged as a result of hostile shelling.

The Ministry of Reintegration of Ukraine has updated the list of territories where military operations or temporary occupation by Russia are taking place. The changes are made in consultation with the Ministry of Defense and regional military administrations.

Ihor Telezhnikov



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