
It's an unprovoked barbaric attack: the foreign ministry commented on the morning attack of the Russian Federation

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine called the Russian attack unprovoked and barbaric; at least 4 people were killed and 38 injured in the attack.

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry condemned Russia's morning attack and called it an unprovoked barbaric attack, UNN reports.

On January 8, Russia once again launched a massive offensive against Ukraine and our people. This unprovoked barbaric attack claimed the lives of at least 3 people... Russia is a terrorist state that must be held accountable for its crimes

- the statement said.


It is now known that as a result of another missile attack on Ukraine by the Russian army , four people were killed and 38 others were injured.

During the attack, Ukrainian air defense forces destroyed 18 enemy cruise missiles and all 8 Shahed-136/131 attack UAVs. In total, the Russian army launched 59 air targets overnight

Атака рф на Дніпропетровщину: у Новомосковську вже 27 постраждалих, серед яких є діти, у Криворізькому районі - четверо потерпілих 08.01.24, 12:30

Anna Onishchenko



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