
Italy rules out direct military intervention in the conflict in Ukraine - Italian Defense Minister Crozetto

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Italian Defense Minister Guido Crozetto ruled out direct military intervention in Ukraine against russia, emphasizing Italy's policy of assisting Ukraine but ruling out direct intervention in the conflict.

Italian Defense Minister Guido Crozetto emphasized that Italy does not intend to carry out direct military intervention in support of Ukraine against russia. This was reported by Corriere Della Sera, according to UNN.


Italian Defense Minister Guido Crozetto emphasized that although Italy has always stood by its position of providing assistance to Ukraine, it excludes direct military intervention in any conflict.

Crozetto noted that there are no conditions for direct military intervention, as Italy has a clear prohibition on such actions in its system, except in cases provided for by an international mandate, for example, in pursuance of a UN resolution.

He also emphasized that Italy's direct intervention in the situation in Ukraine would be counterproductive and could worsen the situation.

Referring to French President Emmanuel Macron's statements about European unity in the event of an escalation of the situation in Ukraine, Crozetto said that while he did not condemn Macron, he did not understand the purpose and benefit of such statements, which he believed would escalate tensions.

When asked about the possibility of Italy's intervention in the event of an escalation of the conflict, Crozetto emphasized the importance of diplomacy and the search for a peaceful solution to the conflict, and stressed the need for mobilization and pressure to achieve peace.

Глава МЗС Сікорський відмовився розкривати плани Польщі щодо військового втручання на підтримку України05.05.24, 00:06


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