
"It is possible to import from Ukraine": Latvia in the EU calls for sanctions on Russian grain

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Latvia has banned imports of Russian grain at the legislative level and called for similar sanctions from the EU, as Ukrainian grain could replace Russian imports.

Latvia has introduced a ban on imports of Russian grain at the legislative level and is calling for the same European sanctions to be applied, against the background of the fact that all such goods can be replaced by products from Ukraine. This was stated by Latvian Minister of Agriculture Armands Krause before the meeting of the EU Council at the level of ministers of agriculture and fisheries on Monday, UNN reports.

We are still asking to extend sanctions to Russian grain and food products. Latvia has adopted a law, its national law on imports from Russia to the Republic of Latvia, and it does not affect transit to third countries, whether EU countries... But since last Thursday, our parliament has passed a law and banned the import of Russian grain and food products to the Republic of Latvia

- said Krause.

"Everything that is imported from Russia can be imported from Ukraine. And in this way we are helping Ukraine, not helping Russia to support its military machine," the Latvian minister emphasized.

Латвія першою в Євросоюзі забороняє імпорт зерна з росії та білорусі22.02.24, 17:54


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