
Investigators announce solving of high-profile murder in Zaporizhzhia: details

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Two suspects have been identified in the premeditated murder of a 38-year-old official of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council. One of them has already been detained; the other is on the wanted list.

Two suspects in the murder of an official of the Zaporizhzhia regional council have been identified. According to the National Police , the men, aged 21 and 33, had been tracking the victim before committing the murder. One of the suspects has already been detained, UNN reports .

Zaporizzhia police solve high-profile murder of local official

- the National Police press service said in a statement.


On June 11, in the morning, in the center of Zaporizhzhia, a killer fired five shots at a 38-year-old head of a department of the regional council. The victim died of his wounds during resuscitation.


The large-scale work of investigators and law enforcement officers lasted more than two weeks.

Police questioned more than 1,500 people who might have witnessed the murder. Video footage from nearly 140 CCTV cameras was also analyzed. A number of examinations have been ordered to establish the circumstances.

As a result of a set of investigative and operative measures, two suspects were identified - men aged 21 and 33, both residents of other regions of the country.

It is noted that the attackers had been tracking the victim for several days and were preparing to commit the crime.

Депутата Сумської обласної ради підозрюють в умисному вбивстві лісничого23.06.24, 01:11

On the day of the crime, at the planned time, the killers were waiting for the official near his house. When he came out of the entrance, one of the men fired five shots from a firearm

- reports the National Police's TV channel.

One of the suspects has already been located and detained under Article 207 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

But the other suspect is still wanted.

Both criminals were served a notice of suspicion of premeditated murder.


UNN previously reported that in Zaporizhzhia a man shot dead a local officialand the shooter is wanted.


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