
Intelligence confirms validity of HQCJ head's Russian passport

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Intelligence confirms validity of HQCJ head's Russian passport

The Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine has reported to the HQCJ that his Russian passport is valid, following the results of the inspection of the head of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, Roman Ignatov. UNN learned about this from its own sources.

The check was carried out to determine whether Ignatov had any citizenship other than Ukrainian, in particular, Russian citizenship.

"Yes, there is a passport," the source said.

The results of the check revealed a person whose data completely matches Ignatov's (in particular, name, date and place of birth). The number of this person's Russian passport was checked, and it does not appear in the lists of invalid passports of Russian citizens. In fact, this means that the passport is still valid.

At the same time, as noted in the intelligence, due to the severance of diplomatic relations with Russia, Ukraine is currently unable to obtain copies of documents.


Information about the Russian citizenship of Roman Ignatov, the head of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, began to circulate in June 2023, after he was appointed head of the HQCJ. At the same time, Roman Ignatov was tested by the HQCJ Selection Panel.

Ignatov himself categorically denied that he had a Russian passport. In addition, Ignatov recalled that in November 2014, he was captured by militants in Luhansk (Ignatov himself is from Luhansk). According to him, he was released thanks to the intervention of a local resident, who was asked to release him by his wife and who knew "certain people who led the so-called 'luhansk people's republic' because she treated them in peacetime."

Lilia Podolyak



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