
'India's richest couple' pre-wedding events: more than 50,000 guests treated to a gala dinner

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India's richest man, Mukesh Ambani hosted over 50,000 guests at a gala dinner to celebrate his son's upcoming wedding. The pre-wedding party in March is amazing, with 21 chefs and a nine-page dress code, as well as numerous business, political and showbiz stars among the guests.

Indian multi-billionaire Mukesh Ambani is being generous, treating more than 50,000 people to a midweek pre-holiday celebration. From Friday, March 1 and onwards, CEOs of major multinational companies, Bollywood stars, pop icons and politicians will be visiting the 66-year-old Ambani, who has a fortune of more than $114 billion.

This is reported by UNN with reference to De Standaard and Spiegel.


Mukesh Ambani, India's richest man, kicked off the celebration of his son's wedding with a surprising gesture as more than 50,000 people in his hometown were treated to a pre-wedding gala dinner on Wednesday night. Though the actual wedding is scheduled for later this year, however, public events are starting as early as next Friday at the huge Hindu temple complex that Ambani built. A pre-wedding party is also being prepared where numerous business, political and showbiz stars are expected to attend.

The party will not be small: no less than 21 chefs have been hired to cook over three days for the 1,000 guests who will arrive at Ambani's parents' home in Jamnagar, Gujarat.


Mukesh Ambani is the head of the Reliance Industries group and, according to Forbes magazine, the richest man in Asia with a fortune equivalent to about 105 billion euros. Six years ago, he threw his daughter the most expensive wedding in India to date at a cost of 92 million euros. The party was attended by, among others, American pop diva Beyoncé.

Stars at the banquet

Many famous guests will be in attendance this time around: the guest list will reportedly include American executives like Bill Gates (Microsoft), Mark Zuckerberg (Meta) and Bob Iger (Disney). The latter has just announced the merger of Disney's Indian media division with that of Reliance. Ivanka Trump, daughter of former US President Donald Trump, is also said to have been invited to the event.

It is not yet clear whether Hillary Clinton will attend. The former first lady already attended her sister Anant Isha's wedding in November 2018, as did former Secretary of State John Kerry. Back then, guests were not only hosted in Mumbai and Rajasthan, but there was also a reception at Lake Como in Italy.

Singer Rihanna is scheduled to perform next weekend. American illusionist David Blaine will also perform.

Dress code

In addition to the invitation, guests were sent a dress code of no less than nine pages. It explained in great detail what to wear to all the events planned for the weekend.


On Friday night, lovers and their guests will enjoy a cocktail party called "An Evening in Everland.

Everyone should wear light shoes on Saturday, as a "wildlife walk" is planned to an animal sanctuary (650 acres) owned by the groom.

In addition, Saturday night guests are asked to dress in "dazzling desi-romance style.

Sunday will be time for casual chic first, perfect for exploring the neighborhood during the Tasker Trail.

The final event will be 'Khashtakshar', which translates to 'signature'. This time the guests will have to turn up in traditional attire such as sherwani and sari.


The 21 chefs will have to work very hard. In three days they have to prepare more than 2,500 dishes from Japanese, Mexican, Thai and other cuisines. Thus, guests will never be served the same dish twice during their stay at the hotel.

According to the insider, guests will have 75 options to choose from for breakfast, and 225 and 275 entrees for lunch and dinner, respectively.


The global rich have doubled their wealth since 2020, while the world's poorest have lost $20 billion, widening economic inequality, Oxfam reports.

Germany's finance minister proposes using interest from frozen Russian assets totaling billions of dollars to finance Ukraine's defense against Russian aggression.

Высокопоставленного чиновника Минобороны, который не задекларировал активы на почти 14 млн грн, отправили под домашний арест29.02.2024, 18:31

Ihor Telezhnikov



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