
Increased liability for mobilization evasion: Parliament adopts draft law

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Parliament voted to approve amendments to the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses related to violation of mobilization with 256 votes in favor, removing many negative provisions and easing penalties, as promised by the committee.

The Verkhovna Rada has adopted as a whole draft law No. 10379 on amendments to the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses related to violation of mobilization, removing many negative provisions, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak said on Thursday, UNN reports.

The Parliament voted as a whole on No. 10379 on amendments to the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses for violation of mobilization. 256 votes in favor. Objectively, all the changes that the committee promised to make to mitigate the draft were made. Many negative provisions were removed

- Zheleznyak wrote on Telegram.


As reported, the draft law provides for increased liability for evading mobilization. In particular, it was envisaged that violation of the rules of military registration by conscripts, persons liable for military service, and reservists would result in a fine of UAH 3,400 to 5,100. For a repeated violation within a year, the fine would be from UAH 5100 to 8500.

However, for such a violation committed during the special period, fines were expected to be set at the level of UAH 17 thousand to UAH 25.5 thousand.

It will also provide for penalties for violations of the legislation on defense, mobilization training and mobilization. It is proposed to fine from UAH 5100 to 8500 for such a violation, and from UAH 8500 to 11.9 thousand for a repeated violation.

During the special period, such fines will range from UAH 17 thousand to UAH 25.5 thousand.

It is noted that fines will be imposed within a year from the date of the offense, but no later than three months after the offense is discovered.

In the comparative table before the second reading of the draft law, it is indicated that the word "and the Criminal Code of Ukraine" was proposed to be deleted from the title. The adjustment of the name of the project, as noted, is due to the proposal to exclude the changes to Art. 336 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

У Міноборони розповіли про головні зміни, які передбачає закон про мобілізацію24.04.24, 14:46

Julia Shramko



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