
In Zaporizhzhia, 28 more schools will start learning in a mixed format

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Another 28 schools in Zaporizhzhia region will switch to a mixed online and offline learning format due to safety concerns amid frequent air danger warnings.

Another 28 schools in Zaporizhzhia and the region will start learning in a mixed format. This decision was made today at a meeting of the Defense Council. This was announced by the head of Zaporizhzhia RMA Ivan Fedorov, UNN reports.

According to Fedorov, 51 schools are currently operating offline.

Повітряна тривога на Запоріжжі вже пролунала понад 400 разів15.05.24, 16:38

"We are currently building new educational spaces with shelters. I hope that classes will start there at the beginning of the school year. Our goal is to provide children with the opportunity to study in safe conditions. To do this, we are building around the clock," added the RMA head.

У Сумах садочки, школи та позашкілля перевели на дистанційний формат13.03.24, 11:18

Antonina Tumanova



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