
In Transcarpathia, a man injured himself in a military commissariat trying to avoid mobilization

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In the Zakarpattia region, a man named Pylyp Lunin injured his arms trying to avoid mobilization while visiting a territorial recruitment center.

In the Zakarpattia region, a man injured his hands during a visit to a territorial recruitment center (TCC). The incident occurred during the clarification of his military registration data. This was reported by the Transcarpathian Regional TCC and JV on Facebook, UNN reports.


The man, whose name is Pylyp Lunin, refused to provide his military registration documents and did not hide his unwillingness to serve. While talking to the center's staff, he asked to use the restroom, where he was found some time later on the floor with his hands cut.

The servicemen of the TCC and JV immediately provided first aid, applied a tourniquet, called the police and an ambulance. The man was hospitalized.

According to the military enlistment office, in 2017, Pylyp Lunin was recognized as partially fit for military service and registered as a person liable for military service. According to Ukrainian law, he is subject to mobilization.


In Ukraine, men between the ages of 25 and 60 are subject to mobilization. However, there are three categories of men who can be mobilized before the age of 25. One of these categories is men who have undergone a military medical commission (MMC) and have been recognized as having limited fitness.

На Закарпатті затримано керівника силового крила злочинного угруповання, яке координував екснардеп-регіонал28.06.24, 15:52


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