
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, at least seven people are killed in protests against violence

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At least seven people have been killed during protests in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo against violence by Islamist rebels affiliated with ISIS, who have recently killed more than 40 people.

At least seven people have been killed in the Democratic Republic of Congo during protests against violence provoked by attacks by Islamist rebels linked to the Islamic State. This was reported by Reuters, according to UNN.


In the eastern province of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, at least seven people were killed in riots that sparked by protests against a surge in violence.

The incidents were the result of attacks by suspected Islamist insurgents.

According to the authorities, the rebel group United Democratic Forces (ADF), which is linked to the Islamic State, attacked the village of Mayikengo earlier this week, killing more than 40 people. They have also previously attacked other villages in the province, killing more than 80 people.

У Конго затонуло судно, на борту якого був 271 пасажир15.06.24, 14:32


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