
In Sumy region, military and police forcibly pulled a driver out of his car: TCC explains the actions of its employees

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The Sumy Territorial Recruitment Center explained that the man whom the military and law enforcement officers pulled out of the car had not been served a summons and that he was drunk.

Today, a video from Sumy region was posted online, showing the employees of the MCC together with law enforcement officers trying to pull the driver out of the car. However, the regional military command assures that the military did not plan to serve the driver with a summons, but helped law enforcement officers stop the man because he was intoxicated. This is reported by UNN with reference to the statement of the Sumy Regional TCC and JV.


The agency confirmed that the incident took place with the participation of employees of the Sumy City TCC. At the same time, they emphasized that the military were simply helping the police. 

The video shows police officers using physical force against the driver of the vehicle, assisted by people in military uniforms. (...) The events depicted in the video are not related to the warning measures, and the headline under the video "hunting for fugitives in Sumy" is not true and was used for the sake of hype to once again discredit the TCC military.

- reads the official statement of the Sumy Regional TCC and JV.

According to the military enlistment office, concerned citizens approached patrol police officers and reported the driver of a car who was probably driving drunk. Subsequently, law enforcement officers found the car, and when they approached it, the man started to move.

Силоміць намагалися витягти хлопця з маршрутки: у ТЦК відреагували на дії військовослужбовців в Одесі17.05.24, 18:46

The patrol policemen were assisted by military personnel, and together, with the use of physical force, they removed him from the car. The 40-year-old driver did indeed show signs of alcohol intoxication. He categorically refused to undergo a test at the place of the stop and in a health care facility

- TCC explained. 

Nevertheless, the agency noted that an internal investigation was initiated and is being conducted into the incident, during which the actions of the military personnel of the Sumy City TCC and JV will be assessed.

They also once again ask  not to disseminate manipulative and unverified information.


The incident was also commented on by the Patrol Police of Sumy region. Law enforcement officials say that the video on social media does not allow the public to see an objective picture of the situation and creates grounds for manipulation.

Patrol policemen, together with representatives of the TCC, were checking military registration documents on Lesi Ukrainky Street. They were approached by concerned citizens who reported the driver of a ZAZ Daewoo, who was probably driving the car in a state of intoxication

- law enforcement officers said.

The police confirmed that together with the military , they had used physical force to remove the driver, who showed signs of alcohol intoxication, from the car.

На Дніпропетровщині цивільний чоловік з ножем напав на сержанта ТЦК18.05.24, 18:32

Patrol policemen drew up a report against the driver under Part 1 of Art. 130 (Refusal to undergo a test for intoxication by a person who was driving with signs of intoxication) of the Code of Administrative Offenses.  The management of the Patrol Police Department in Sumy region initiated an internal investigation into the incident

- Patrol officers said. 


A video was posted on Telegram channels in Sumy region showing police officers and people in military uniforms forcibly dragging out a man sitting behind the wheel of a car.

The footage shows a man in a military uniform hitting the driver on the head. Also, when the man was taken out of the car, a scream is heard: "Lie down, f***t"


A conscript, who, according to the conclusions of the Military Qualification Commission, was fit for service, died in the TCC in Zakarpattia after a sharp deterioration in his health. The Transcarpathian Regional Center for Recruitment and Social Support stated that an official inspection was "appointed over this fact".

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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