
In Kharkiv region, russian shelling caused a fire on a farm: more than 20 animals died

 • 27408 переглядiв

A russian attack caused a large fire on a farm in the village of Lyman, Kharkiv region, killing more than two dozen pigs, but rescuers saved 52.

As a result of the russian attack, a large-scale fire broke out on a farm in the village of Lyman, Kharkiv region. This was reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


A tragedy occurred in Kharkiv region due to another shelling by russian troops. The fire of the attack caused a large-scale fire on the territory of one of the farms in the village of Lyman, Chuhuiv district.

As a result of the shelling, the farm building, which housed the pigs, was heavily damaged.

Rescuers managed to save 52 animals. The pigs were moved to another outbuilding, but more than two dozen animals died.

Fortunately, there were no injuries among the farm workers.

Жінка загинула та двоє отримали поранення внаслідок обстрілу села Білозерка на Херсонщині24.02.24, 19:58


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