
In Kharkiv region, more than 11 thousand people were evacuated from the north of the region and the Volchansky direction - Sinegubov

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More than 11 thousand people were evacuated from the frontline cities of the Kharkiv region and temporarily placed in dormitories, another 10 thousand places were reserved so that evacuees could be accommodated.

In total, 11 thousand people were evacuated from the frontline cities of Kharkiv region, they are being placed in dormitories of higher educational institutions. At the moment, about 10 thousand more places have been reserved for evacuees. This was announced by the head of the Kharkiv regional military administration Oleg Sinegubov on the air of the telethon, the correspondent reports UNN.

We evacuated more than 11 thousand people from the North and from the Volchansky direction. We use dormitories of higher educational institutions to temporarily accommodate people there

Sinegubov says.

According to him, some people are looking for housing on their own, some travel outside the city of Kharkiv and choose rural areas in the region, and some share of people leave the Kharkiv region altogether, but this is a small percentage.

We have reserved about 10 thousand more places in the city of Kharkiv for an emergency

he added.


The russians are constantly shelling Kharkiv region, in particular, 30 guided aerial bombs were dropped yesterday, there are victims, and private buildings were also destroyed.

Не лише для захисту Харкова: у США роз'яснили межі дозволених ударів по рф31.05.24, 18:20

Iryna Kolesnik



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