
Impersonating the military: drug traffickers who delivered cocaine during curfew exposed in Kyiv

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A group of drug dealers who sold cocaine during the curfew, posing as military personnel, was exposed in Kyiv. The defendants face up to 10 years in prison.

In Kyiv, law enforcement officers exposed a group of drug dealers who sold cocaine during the curfew, posing as military personnel. This was reported by UNN with reference to the National Police and the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office


The police established that the illegal "business" was organized by a native of Chernihiv region, born in 1975.

He involved three familiar residents of the capital in the illegal activity. The offenders sold cocaine in Kyiv during personal meetings with customers.

The criminals were detained while selling another dose of cocaine.  During the authorized searches, police seized drugs, money allegedly obtained from the sale of prohibited substances and "draft" records.

Investigators detained all the suspects in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and served them a notice of suspicion under Part 2 of Article 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, transfer or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues

- law enforcement officers summarized. 

According to the sanction of the article, the suspects face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property. Currently, investigators have filed a motion with the court to choose a custody as a measure of restraint. 

Взято під варту киянина, обвинуваченого у торгівлі кокаїном в клубах15.05.24, 16:09


The Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office clarifies that the drug dealers delivered the goods themselves at night, during the curfew. To do this, the detainees posed as military personnel. 

To move freely around the city at night, the perpetrators wore military uniforms and presented themselves as military reservists from one of the military units during document checks at checkpoints, showing a fake certificate. The suspects drove old cars and additionally had a black special license plate on the windshield

- told the  prosecutor's office. 


In March, two fraudsters were detained in Kyiv who, under the guise of military personnel , seized charitable aid intended for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The suspects embezzled nearly UAH 2 million worth of aid.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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