
How to "make friends" with sweets and a healthy diet - expert advice

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There are simple rules that will help you enjoy your sweets and not harm yourself. The Ministry of Health told us more about whether sweets can be part of a healthy diet, UNN writes.


According to the Ministry of Health, many people think that the scariest part of switching to a new, healthier way of eating is that they have to give up their favorite sweets forever. However, cookies and candy can be incorporated into a healthy diet throughout your life. However, to reduce the possible harmful effects of consuming such products, it is worth eating them less often and in small quantities: less is more, the Ministry of Health points out.

Oleh Shvets, President of the Association of Nutritionists of Ukraine, Public Health Consultant at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine , explains how to "make friends" with sweets and a healthy diet. He lists a number of rules:

1. Avoid strict restrictions. Constantly refusing dessert can lead to a violation of the restrictions you have set for yourself and ultimately destroy all your good intentions. It is advised that you try to indulge in your favorite sweets, but in moderation and with other, healthier foods. For example, if you're craving chocolate, melt some dark chocolate and eat it with grapes or other berries or fruits, the expert points out.

2. Take a balanced approach. Reportedly, one universal approach is to eat "forbidden" sweets once a week. However, as indicated, this does not mean that this can be done without restrictions. According to the expert's advice, it is best to set certain rules right away - at what time and how much you allow yourself. If you need something sweet every day, it is advised to choose foods that contain less than one hundred calories per serving. Such a choice, as indicated, will be balanced. You should also treat yourself to something that is not 100% sugar. For example, choose treats that contain nuts (known sources of healthy fats). As noted, eating sweets from time to time and in moderation allows you to enjoy your favorite treats without feeling guilty.

3. Maintain a healthy eating balance. It is reportedly important to understand that healthy eating should become a way of life. It is advised to create your own eating pattern and stick to it all the time. Short-term adherence to a "diet", as noted, will not change eating habits and metabolic processes in the body, and after they are completed, there is a risk of returning to the old one.

They advise to pay attention to four main conscious changes that will help you periodically consume desserts and overcome your excessive passion for sweets:

  1. Reduce the portion size. If your plate looks like a restaurant plate, leave two-thirds or half. A good solution is to literally replace the dishes with similar smaller ones.
  2. Emphasize plant-based foods that are rich in dietary fiber. Such foods and dishes provide satiety without consuming too many calories.
  3. Eat more slowly. This ensures longer satiety and a later return of hunger. If you feel physically "full," you've probably already eaten too much.
  4. Add physical activity. Use a pedometer to see how many steps you take per day. Expert organizations recommend 10 ,000 steps daily.

"What if, despite your best intentions, you still ate a second piece of cake or even a whole chocolate bar? Start over. Forgive yourself, keep living and change your diet for the better," the expert says.

The Ministry of Health also urged to remember that, according to WHO recommendations, an adult should consume no more than 50 g of added sugar per day on average, and even better - less than 25 g per day. Children under three years of age should not consume added sugar at all, and after three years of age should not exceed 25 g per day.

Як подолати надмірне захоплення солодощами - поради фахівця01.02.24, 05:00

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Julia Shramko



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