
Highest figure since June 2023: 864 civilians were injured in Russian attacks in May - UN

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According to the UN Human Rights monitoring mission in Ukraine (HRMMU), at least 174 civilians were killed and 690 injured in Ukraine in May. This number of civilian casualties is the highest since June 2023. This is reported by UNN with reference to the report of the mission, published on Friday.


The report notes that in May, the number of civilians killed was 31% more than in April this year.

It is noted that the increase in the number of civilian casualties is associated with Russian attacks in the Kharkiv region since May 10. Attacks in Kharkiv region caused 53% of the total number of civilian casualties in May.

Also, 65% of the total damage to educational and medical institutions was also caused in the Kharkiv region, and especially large-scale destruction occurred in Volchansk, located near the border between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

The vast majority of civilian casualties (92%) and destruction of educational and medical institutions (96%) continued to occur in the territory controlled by Ukraine.

The mission recorded 24 attacks on energy infrastructure (19 attacks in the territory controlled by Ukraine  and 5 in the occupied territory), which resulted in the destruction or damage of power plants and power substations, as well as temporary disruption of access to electricity and water supply. In addition, in May, UN representatives counted six attacks on railway infrastructure in the territory controlled by Ukraine .


During April, at least 129 civilians were killed and 574 others were injured in the fighting in Ukraine. 


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