
Heads of "administrative institutions" in the occupied regions ordered to ensure turnout for putin's "elections" - Resistance

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The heads of institutions in the occupied regions have been ordered to increase the turnout at the pseudo-presidential elections in russia, and after the vote, they will check the turnout using video recordings.

The occupiers have developed a plan for the turnout in the elections of heads of state institutions in the TOT. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.


It is reported that all heads of "educational institutions" and other fake structures in the temporarily occupied territories have received a plan to turn out their subordinates at "polling stations.

In russia, as well as in the temporarily occupied territories, a propaganda show called "presidential elections in russia" is starting, which aims to create collective responsibility for the kremlin's crimes. That is, to show Russians' support for the policies of their dictator vladimir putin, as well as to "legalize" the occupation of the TOT by drawing a turnout. To do this, all collaborators were tasked with ensuring the rate of turnout at a particular polling station from each enterprise or institution

- the statement said.

It is noted that the leaders were warned that video surveillance with a face recognition system at the polling stations would reveal whether the plan was implemented, and threatened with consequences in case of failure to do so.

"Вибори" на ТОТ: рф схвалила дострокове голосування для окупаційних військ 25.02.24, 07:00

Anastasia Ryabokon



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