
Government approves priority action plan for 2024: defense capability comes first

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The Cabinet of Ministers approved the government's priority action plan for the period up to 2024 with a focus on defense capability, European integration, and the reconstruction of the destroyed territories.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the government's priority action plan for 2024, including, in particular, defense capability, European integration and the reconstruction of the destroyed. This was announced by the government's representative in the Verkhovna Rada, Taras Melnychuk, UNN reports.

The government's priority action plan for 2024 was approved, the implementation of which will ensure the consistency of the Government's priorities for the restoration and development of Ukraine

- Melnychuk wrote.

During a government meeting, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, announcing that the government would approve the Cabinet Action Plan for 2024 today, noted that this is one of the key documents for the work of the Cabinet of Ministers and central executive authorities.

Shmyhal also listed his priorities:

  • The first priority remains unchanged - defense capability and security for our citizens. This is the Ukrainian Shield program.
  • The second is Ukraine's European integration.
  • The third priority is to rebuild what has been destroyed. The fourth is a new veteran policy.
  • The fifth is education for a successful country.
  • The sixth priority is the reform of the social sphere. Social transition.
  • The seventh is a sustainable economy.
  • The eighth is building an effective digital state.
  • The ninth is energy independence.
  • The tenth is modern affordable medicine.

He noted that other priorities include: Rule of law and sanctions policy, regional development and decentralization, science and innovation, consolidation of Ukrainian society, and environmental protection.

Відбудова енергосектору України: в уряді планують велику програму із залученням найширших кіл міжнародних інвесторів14.02.24, 18:23


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