
Getmantsev's idea of booking for members of the "White Business Club" is an attempt to divide the business into clusters - expert

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Getmantsev's idea of booking for members of the "White Business Club" is an attempt to divide the business into clusters, expert said.

The idea of the chairman of the tax committee of the Rada Daniil Getmantsev to provide members of the "White Business Club" with the opportunity to book their employees carries corruption risks and is an attempt to divide the business into clusters. This opinion was expressed in an exclusive comment to UNN by the co-founder of the Center for economic recovery Andrey Dligach.

Earlier, the head of the tax committee of the Rada, Daniil Hetmantsev, said that he plans to include in his bill on the "White Business Club" a norm that will allow tax authorities to decide which entrepreneurs are allowed to book their employees.

"I have a negative attitude to this idea. First of all, our entire business is white, unless the court has proved otherwise... It's just nonsense when a state institution tries to influence some kind of institutionalization of business," Dligach said.

At the same time, according to him, the logic of economic booking is to shadow the economy. According to his calculations, economical booking will attract about UAH 170 billion to the budget.

"Yes, it should only be a tool for business, and not when some state body discredits who can and cannot do this. Discretion always breeds corruption. When the state tries to divide business into some clusters, it always leads to corruption. Therefore, in no case should the state be allowed to make such a cluster history," Dligach said.


The Verkhovna Rada supported in the first reading a bill that proposes to create a "white business club" with simplified relations with tax authorities for taxpayers with a high level of voluntary compliance with tax legislation. According to Nina Yuzhanina, a member of the tax committee of the Rada, the "White Business Club" will divide entrepreneurs into its own and others ' – some will have preferences, while the law will apply for others. 

Experts have repeatedly noted that Getmantsev's initiative has great corruption risks. For example, Business Ombudsman Roman Vashchuk is confident that such a "club" will create a reservation for the elite.

"I think we need to level the field for all businesses.we need to change the approach in general, and not create a reservation for the elite," Vashchuk said.

Economists interviewed by UNN previously pointed out that the Bill is discriminatory and violates the presumption of innocence, dividing business in Ukraine into "white" and violators without a court decision. Its true goal is to reduce pressure on Business, and the "nightmare" of those who will not be included in the favorites list. In addition, according to the tax authorities, the right to independently decide who can become elected has the risk that in this way levies will be made from entrepreneurs.


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