
Germany donates 50 thousand first aid kits to the Ukrainian Defense Forces

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Germany has provided Ukraine with 50,000 first aid kits, which will soon be transferred to the army. In total, Ukraine has contracted half a million first aid kits for the Defense Forces.

Ukraine has received 50,000 military first aid kits from Germany, which will soon be transferred to the army. This was stated by Deputy Defense Minister Natalia Kalmykova, reports UNN.


The Ministry of Defense said that a total of contracts have been signed for 500,000 first aid kits.

Today, I checked the quality and content of the first aid kits that have already been delivered to the warehouses under a contract with the German government and was satisfied. As of today, we have already received 50,000 of them, and we have signed a contract for 500,000 first aid kits in total. Each of them will be equipped with an additional tourniquet and occlusive bandage

- Kalmykova summarized 

New contracts are being prepared for signing that will fully meet the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Міноборони спростило списання аптечок у війську15.12.23, 21:45

We have to move away from the practice of volunteers bringing first aid kits to the front. The state should take care of all the supplies. This year we will solve this issue

- emphasized the Deputy Minister.


Last week, on February 26, Germany announced that it would send Ukraine artillery shells, drones, demining vehicles and other military aid, including armored vehicles and anti-drone equipment.


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