
GAFA continues to identify victims of stalin's repressions of 1937-38 through DNA testing of descendants

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The GAFA of Georgia continues to identify descendants of those repressed during the stalinist regime in 1937-38 by collecting DNA samples for comparison with remains found at a former military base.

The GAFA of Georgia continues to identify those repressed during the stalinist regime since 1937-38 by collecting DNA from their descendants. This was reported by Netgazeti , UNN .


The Georgian Association of Forensic Anthropology (GAFA) continues its work to identify the descendants of repressed persons who fell victim to stalin's repression in 1937-1938. A laboratory in Poland is being used to conduct the identification based on DNA samples.

The remains of 150 people discovered in 2019 on the territory of the former military base in Khelvachauri near Batumi are now in Tbilisi.

By now, samples of the remains of 28 people have already been sent to Poland, of which three people have been identified.

The Association informs the descendants of the repressed that they can take a DNA test in Tbilisi or Khelvachauri, and also informs them of the arrival of a visiting laboratory.


Earlier, the Institute for the Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) collected data on executions in Ajara during Stalin's repressions, indicating that at least 1,050 people were shot in this region alone during the "Great Terror".

"Грузія – не росія": Зурабішвілі заявила, що Навального та Саакашвілі не можна порівнювати19.02.24, 19:07


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