
For the third time in 24 hours, Ukraine is on alert for MiG-31K: Ukrainian Air Force warned of a missile to the south

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An air alert was issued across Ukraine due to a missile threat from a MiG-31K aircraft that took off from Russia and was heading south, allegedly carrying a Kinzhal hypersonic missile.

An air alert has been declared throughout Ukraine due to the takeoff of the Mig31K. The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine warned of a missile threat in the South. This was reported by UNN.


Missile danger throughout Ukraine! MiG-31K takeoff from Savasleyka airfield (Nizhny Novgorod region).  Missile to the south! Probably a dagger!

-said in a statement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 


This is the third time in a day that an air alert has been announced throughout Ukraine due to the takeoff of the MiG-31K.

Before that, they warned about the missile danger around three o'clock. An air alert was also announced at 12:54 p.m.

We will remind

On Sunday, May 12, the air defense forces destroyed the enemy reconnaissance UAV "Orlan-10" in the Odesa region and the attack UAV "Lancet" in the Kherson region.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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