
Explosions heard in Crimea near Arbatskaya arrow, helicopters circling - mass media

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Explosions were heard and helicopters circled in the area of Arbatskaya Strelka in occupied Crimea. It is also noted that the earlier ban imposed by Russia on the access of civilians to the area remains in force.

In the temporarily occupied Crimea are heard explosions from the side of the Arabatskaya arrow. About this writes telegram channel "Crimean wind" referring to the data of its subscribers, reports UNN.


"Crimean Wind" also notes that many helicopters have been spotted over the Dzhankoysky district, and explosions from the direction of the Arabatskaya arrow are heard periodically.

The activists also noted that the ban on the passage of civilians to the spit Arabatskaia Strelka continues to be in force. It was closed by the Russian authorities of Crimea as early as July 31, 2023.

Environmental situation in the occupied Crimea is difficult, in particular due to lack of water resources - Presidential Administration2/8/24, 10:31 AM

Tatiana Salganik



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