
Enemy fires cluster munitions at Zaporizhzhia village: one wounded

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One person was wounded when the enemy shelled Bilenke village in Zaporizhzhya region with cluster munitions.

One person was injured as a result of enemy shelling of Bilenke village, Zaporizhzhya district, with cluster munitions. This was reported by the head of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Military Administration Ivan Fedorov, UNN reports

The enemy continues to terrorize the frontline areas. Russians shelled Bilenke village with cluster munitions. A man was wounded

- wrote Fedorov on social media.

He noted that information about the destruction is being clarified.

The use of cluster munitions by Russians against civilians has become more frequent.  On March 4, Russians fired twice with cluster munitions at a village in Zaporizhzhia district.

On March 5, the Russian army used cluster bombs for the first time on the territory of Sumy region


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