
Electricity deficit may increase to 2.8% amid cold weather - Ukrenergo

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Ukraine may face a 2.8% electricity shortage amid rising consumption due to colder weather; Ukrenergo calls for economical use of electricity.

Electricity consumption in Ukraine is expected to increase today amid a cold snap, with a peak expected from 9:00 to 20:00. The forecast deficit during the day is 2.8%. This was reported on Friday by NPC Ukrenergo, UNN writes.

Consumption and generation

As noted, yesterday, January 11, the daily maximum consumption was recorded in the afternoon after 10:00. It was 3.1% lower than the corresponding figure for January 10.

"Today, consumption is growing again. As of 9:30 a.m., consumption is already almost 1% higher than yesterday at the same time. The reasons are the cold snap and the healing of consumers, which is still ongoing in the regions cut off by the bad weather," the statement said.

In the morning, the electricity generated by power plants of all types was reportedly sufficient to ensure power supply to consumers.

"But during the day, Ukrenergo's dispatch center predicts a possible deficit in the power system of 2.8%. The entire capacity of the power plants operating in the system will be used to cover it. There are no plans to introduce schedules for limiting consumers," the NPC said.

Споживання електрики знижується на тлі потепління, але вдень прогнозується дефіцит - Укренерго11.01.24, 11:29

Ukrenergo urged people not to turn on powerful electrical appliances at the same time to support the power system. "To help the power system operate in a balanced manner in difficult conditions, consume electricity sparingly," the company emphasized.


As of this morning, 229 settlements in 6 regions are without power due to the bad weather.

In the morning, consumers in the Kyiv region were cut off from electricity due to technical problems.

Due to the hostilities and other reasons, 409 settlements remain without electricity. The shelling caused new damages to the power grids in Dnipropetrovs'k, Donetsk, Kharkiv and Kherson regions. 


Electricity is imported during the day and in the evening from Slovakia, Romania and Moldova. No exports are being carried out today, Ukrenergo reports.

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station

"There is a slight decrease in the water level in the cooling pond - it is 15.61 meters. This is enough to meet the needs of the plant," the Ministry of Energy said.

Julia Shramko



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