
Documents of the regional vlk of the Poltava region were arrested due to the largest rate of declared unfit for service in Ukraine

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The court seized the documents of the District Military Medical commissions (vkl) of the Poltava region due to the highest rate in Ukraine (20%) of persons declared unfit for service after passing the commissions.

The Oktyabrsky District Court of Poltava seized the documents of the District Military Medical commissions (vlk) of the Poltava region. The reason for this was a study by the National Agency for the Prevention of corruption, which concluded that it was in the Poltava region  that the highest rate of those who were declared unfit for service after the vlk was found.  This UNN reports with reference to the press service of the NACP. 


According to the conclusions of the NACP, the highest rate (20%) of those who passed the vlk and were later declared unfit for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine was found in the Poltava region. 

Poltava region is one of the five regions with the largest number of  recognized as restricted fit – 31% of the total number of those who passed the commission in 2022 and 30% for the first nine months of 2023.

"According to investigators, employees of the vlk of the region, recognizing persons as only partially fit and unfit for military service, probably received illegal remuneration for their illegal actions," the NACP said in a statement. 

The Department said that the pre-trial investigation continues. Now it is established that there is false information in the medical documentation of those liable for military service, falsified grounds for applying the articles of the schedule of diseases and physical disabilities that determine the degree of suitability of a person for military service and its exclusion from military registration.

In order to conduct a full, comprehensive and objective pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings, given that the seized property can be evidence of the commission of a crime and contains information that can be used as evidence of facts and circumstances that are the subject of a pre-trial investigation and are necessary for conducting expert research, there was a need to seize it

- stated in the decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Poltava.


In December last year, the National Agency for the Prevention of corruption identified the 20 most common corruption risks in the activities of Military Medical commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and developed recommendations for their elimination or minimization. 


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