
Dissatisfaction with the war is growing in Russia - Skibitsky

 • 29415 переглядiв

Russia calls up 1000-1200 people daily to replenish losses at the front, and Russians' dissatisfaction with mobilization has increased to 69%, said Vadym Skibitsky, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The aggressor state of the Russian Federation is calling for the occupation army 1000-1200 people every day to to replenish the losses at the front.  Against this background, the level of dissatisfaction of the Russian population with with the forced mobilization has increased to almost 70%.  This was reported by a representative of the Vadym Skibitskyi, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, during a discussion at the event "Ukraine and the World Ahead 2024", reports UNN.

According to According to various estimates, every day the Russian Federation is able to call up by mobilizing and recruiting about 1000-1200 people. This is daily... In general, Russia is trying to maintain the level of level of manning of its grouping and combat units on the contact line at 92-95 at 92-95% to maintain the pace of the offensive.

- Vadym Skibitskyi said.  


Representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Vadym Skibitskyi, representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, during his speech at the the World Ahead 2024" organized by NV, noted that the aggressor will use such tactics to replenish losses at the front, which the aggressor state suffers in the war against Ukraine constantly.  

He also said that dissatisfaction with mobilization is also growing in Russia  . with mobilization: if at the beginning of the year about 60% of Russians about 60% of Russians opposed the draft, as of December 2023, this figure rose to 69%.  

This is is not yet a sign that there will be protests, but such sentiments are already society already has such sentiments.

- Vadym Skibitskyi explained.

Tatiana Salganik



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