
Crimean Platform and the First Ladies and Gentlemen Summit: Zelensky announced two important events

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The President of Ukraine has announced that the Crimean Platform Summit will be held on September 11. Also this week, the Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen will take place, and new negotiations with partners are being prepared.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the Crimean Platform Summit for September 11, as well as the Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen, which will also take place this week, reports UNN.

“I held several meetings today with our team of internationals. We are preparing the Crimean Platform Summit for September 11. The first lady's team is preparing our special diplomatic format - the Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen, which will also take place this week,” Zelensky said.

According to him, they are preparing new negotiations with partners for the sake of greater strength for Ukraine, for the sake of bringing a just peace.

“We remember the key goal - peace for Ukraine, for the whole of Ukraine, for all our people,” the Head of State summarized.

"Кримська платформа" відбудеться у вересні. Президента Грузії вже отримала запрошення20.08.24, 21:57

Antonina Tumanova



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