
Cossacks conduct political information lessons in schools in the occupied territories of Kherson region - The Resistance Center

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In the occupied territories of the Kherson region, Russian invaders are actively implementing their propaganda in local schools. This is reported by the Center for National Resistance, UNN reports .

Cossacks in Ukrainian schools in the temporarily occupied territories have already become teachers. For example, in the Kherson region, these representatives of the occupation forces teach lessons of so-called political information. They tell children about how they are implementing the "Russian world" on the Ukrainian lands they destroyed, show them films about Russia and how important it is to become part of Russia,

- the statement said.


It is also known that militants of the "Cossack Hundred" from the Belgorod region were involved in "ensuring order" in the seized schools on the TOT. These militants were mostly drunk and harassed schoolchildren because of their appearance, including their clothes, haircuts or dyed hair. There were cases of not only verbal harassment, but also beatings and illegal searches, during which schoolchildren were sexually harassed by the so-called "security guards.


Russian invaders in the temporarily occupied territories force state employees to watch propaganda films to brainwash Ukrainians under occupation with justifications for the Kremlin and the heroization of its leadership.

Olga Rozgon



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